From the pipeline jetted out a water column. 从管子里射出一道水柱。
So we are looking at things in the offshore deepwater environment, as well as up through the water column and all along the shorelines. 所以,我们正在观察近海深水环境,水柱中以及海岸线的情况。
Research on Continuous Image's Water Column Echo Recognition Algorithm of Gun-pointing Radar 炮瞄雷达连续图像的水柱回波识别算法研究
Water hammer occurs due to cavities collapsing with water column separation at multi-points in high lift intake pump station. 高扬程取水泵站容易发生多处水柱分离和严重的断流弥合水锤危害。
The gaseous weapon residues are then vented through the hollow central portion of the water column. 这时气态的炸弹剩余物将通过水柱中央喷到大气中。
Within hours the plankton run out, the feast winds down, and the mantas plow the bay's sandy bottom with their cephalic fins to throw hidden prey back into the water column. 在几个小时内浮游生物的盛宴即将结束,而蝠鲼犁其头鳍于海湾的沙底中,等待下一批猎物的到来。
Research on Visualization of Ship Fire and Water Column of Fire Branch 船舶失火和消防枪水柱的可视化研究
No new rights are given over fish or other creatures in the water column, but living creatures on or below the seafloor that are immobile "at the harvestable stage" are treated like minerals. 水下的鱼类或其他生物没有任何新权利,但海底下的生物,与这些“在可捕捞阶段”的矿物质是一样的待遇。
Touches the switch lightly, the fluent miracle gushes out from the wall, water column crystal clear full. 轻触开关,水流奇迹般地从墙壁中涌出,水柱晶莹饱满。
In the summer stratified water column, the deeper the maximum depth of food distribution is, the stronger the DVM is performed; 在夏季分层水体中,食物的最大分布深度越大,动物向下迁移的幅度也越大;
The distributive feature and the level of the chemical factors contents in the water column, sediments and marine organisms in Xiaoyao Bay have been studied in the paper, The results show that. 本文对小窑湾海域的水化学、沉积物和生物体化学要素含量水平和分布进行了研究。
By mending towards stronger current the streamer will speed up, a mend into the slower water will cause the fly to slow and sink deeper in the water column. 若向流速高处修拨飞蝇线饰带毛勾便会加速飘流,相反地修拨飞蝇线向低流速处饰带毛勾便会慢下来沉入更深泳层中。
In the end, collapsing process of a water column impinging an upright wall after by-passing a set of perforated blocks is simulated by using the MPS model. 运用该模型模拟了水柱倒塌后有无透空块体两种情况下右端直墙上的压力过程。
Fire and water mingles the shower nozzle adopt the peculiar device to be too busy to be tied in wedlock with spraying water and gushing fire, the end in the water column burns raging flames. 水火交融喷头采用特殊的装置把喷水与喷火无暇结合,在水柱的顶头燃烧熊熊烈火。
And physical differences between regions, such as currents and the stratification of the water column, will also complicate the response of food webs. 在不同的地区,水的物理性质(如:水体的流动与分层)也会有所差异,这也将使得鱼类对食物网的反应复杂化。
A tangled kelp forest fills the water column off the coast of Maine. 缠结的海带森林弥漫着水柱沿海海面的缅因州。
Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Ecological Significance of Alkaline Phosphatase in Water Column of Taihu Lake 太湖水体中碱性磷酸酶的空间分布及生态意义
As seafloor rock slips beneath a continental tectonic plate, organic matter that has fallen from higher in the water column is cooked and broken down into methane and other organic molecules. 当洋壳因为板块运动滑入陆壳之下时,从水体中掉落的有机物被加热分解成甲烷和其它有机分子。
The assessment on quality and influence factors of water column were done in the coast of the Lvsi fishing grounds by several methods. 采用多种方法定量评价了吕泗渔场水体的环境质量,并分析了其影响因素。
3D numerical simulation investigation on the impulse turbine for the oscillating water column wave power conversion device 振荡水柱波能发电装置冲击式透平的三维数值模拟研究板极脉冲调制振荡器
These results indicate that impacts of advection and dispersion on DO vertical transport show spatial differences in the PRE, and influence the DO concentration in the water column. 这表明在珠江口不同区域,垂向的对流扩散作用对溶解氧垂向输运起不同作用,从而影响表底层溶解氧的浓度。
Vertical variations of three nitrogen in water column of South China Sea and their relations to environmental factors 南海水体三项无机氮含量的垂直变化特征及与其他环境要素的相关性
Is the internal phosphorus loading connected with the growth of phytoplankton in water column? 水柱中浮游植物的生长与内源磷负荷是否有关?
The water column height of water-jet and time delay problem are also discussed. 讨论了射流水柱高度及射流时延问题。
The phenomenon gives us a chance to suppress the water column reverberations but to enhance the elastic waves. 这一现象为压制水柱混响、增强弹性波提供了机会。
Thermocline was the main area of autogenic particles in the water column of the Yellow Sea in summer. 研究表明,温跃层是黄海夏季水体自身产生颗粒物的主要区域。
The results showed that silver carp can efficiently reduced total particulate matter and organic content in water column. 结果表明,鲢鱼可以有效的降低水体中的总颗粒物浓度和有机质含量,对水体起到净化作用。
However, recent studies have shown that there are embolisms in the water column. 然而,近年的研究显示水柱中经常会出现栓塞。